Blogging 101: What should you write about? Part 3 of 3

This article first appeared on XFactor Collective’s Campfire Community blog. So, you’re convinced that it’s a good idea to write (or record) a regular blog (yay!) and you know the key things to include (if not, check out our recent post for a checklist).   So, what you should write about? As every organisation is different, and every content marketing…

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Blogging 101: What makes a good blog? Part 2 of 3

This article first appeared on the XFactor Collective Campfire Community blog. We all know that there are so many benefits to blogging (or vlogging) and that it’s something that we should all do, but what makes a good blog.  What keeps people coming back to your site and ensures you get inquires about your services? Below we…

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Blogging 101: Why you should blog Part 1 of 3

This article first appeared on the XFactor Collective Campfire Community blog. Whether you’re an established not-for-profit organisation, a or a one-person business, blogging should be part of your marketing strategy. But if you’re not a writer, it may seem a bit daunting! So, we’ve put together a three-part guide to blogging, based on years of…

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